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All of our fabricated General Product meets the most stringent requirements for quality, precision, and applicable use. It can be found in laboratories, in workshops, and industries, for carrying out research, development, quality testing, and the actual manufacturing process. This type of equipment we offer would also have enhanced features and technology that support additional uses.

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For all your General Product requirements, choose Scilab Export as your trusted partner. We ensure that the products to be provided to you are high quality, the customer service is top class and the prices are affordable.

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Structures Platform

Product Code : SLE/EG/01
  • The Structures platform supports any of the optional Structures experiment modules, available separately. 
  • Made from precision, slotted aluminium extrusions and steel end plates, this module forms a sturdy, rigid, stable and strong experiment platform. 
  • Adjustable feet ensure the platform is level before use.
  • The platform includes the USB interface plug-and-play hub to simplify connections.  
  • Easy-to-read scales on each side of the platform help students to position the parts of their experiment precisely, and removes the need for an additional rule.
  • The hub converts signals from the sensors on each experiment module to USB data format for computer display and data acquisition. 
  • The compact size and low centre of gravity mean that students can use the equipment easily and at an ergonomic height, either sitting or standing.

Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best school science lab equipments suppliers in india, school science lab instruments, school science lab instruments exporter, school science lab instruments manufacturer, school scientific equipments, science educational equipment.

Curved Bars And Davits

Product Code : SLE/EG/02
  • This product helps students to understand the deflections in curved bars and davits when used as simple structures to support loads. 
  • The upper end supports a variable load. 
  • Two precision indicators measure the deflection due to the load.
  • The two davits are good examples of popular real-life structures.
  • They compare results with the theoretical values found using elastic deflection theory.
  • Students fit the lower end of a choice of curved bars and davits to a fixing plate. 
  • The load to the curved bars or davits, measuring the vertical and horizontal deflection. 
  • This product includes a Vernier caliper for accurate measurements of the cross-section of the curved bars and davits.
  • The deflection indicators have their own displays, but they can connect to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.

Contact Science Lab for your Educational School Science Lab Equipments. We are best scientific laboratory equipments manufacturer, scientific laboratory equipments supplier, technical educational equipment exporter, technical educational equipment manufacturer, technical educational equipment supplier, technical educational equipments exporter.

Plastic Bending of Portals

Product Code : SLE/EG/26
  • This preserves the load direction as the portal deforms.
  • Students fit the specimen portal frame to fixing blocks that simulate fixed foundations, and apply loads. 
  • Load cells measure the applied forces and precision indicators measure the portal deformation. 
  • Each load cell applies and measures the load through cables at 90 degrees to the portal. 
  • It explains how a building may fail, but still withstand loads to allow people to safely leave before complete collapse. 
  • Students use textbook equations to predict the results, comparing them to measured results. 
  • This helps confirm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • Students apply either vertical, horizontal or combined loads to the portal, forcing it to bend through the elastic region and into the plastic region where it deforms permanently, experiencing ‘plastic collapse’ and the formation of ‘plastic hinges’.
  • ?It also shows the interaction between the vertical and horizontal loads and the production of an interaction diagram to predict the failure mode.

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Redundant Tuss Next Generation Structures

Product Code : SLE/EG/04
  • Two supports hold the truss. 
  • One support allows rotation only and the other allows rotation and translation. 
  • Students apply a load to the truss at the free end Joint Boss. 
  • Strain gauges on each truss member measure the forces due to the load. 
  • A precision indicator measures the framework deflection due to the load. 
  • Hand-operated load cell assembly applies and measures the load. 
  • A simple thumbscrew engages and disengages an extra ‘redundant’ member.
  • Students apply loads to the truss initially without the extra ‘redundant’ member engaged. 
  • Students may measure the deflection of the frame for both cases and compare.
  • This helps confi rm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • They then engage an extra ‘redundant’ member, making the frame statically indeterminate, requiring a more advanced analysis such as the strain-energy method. 
  • The strain gauges connect to a strain gauge amplifier, which connects to the interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.

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Frame Deflections And Reactions

Product Code : SLE/EG/05
  • Students fit one of a choice of two frames between two supports and apply vertical loads to the beam member. 
  • Students apply loads to the portal frame. 
  • They compare predictions to measured and observed results.  
  • A precision indicator measures any horizontal deflection (sway) at the junction of the beam and the upright. 
  • Each support includes pointers that work with the scale on the platform for accurate positioning.
  • Both frame beams can be loaded anywhere along their length. 
  • This allows the students to understand the two causes of frame sway other than direct loads.
  • This helps confi rm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • This product includes a Vernier caliper for accurate measurement of the frame cross-section.
  • They use textbook equations and analysis to predict the reaction forces and fixing moments due to the load and whether or not the frame will sway and its magnitude. 
  • Load cells in the supports measure the bending moment and horizontal reaction at the base of the uprights due to the load.

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Simple Suspension Bridge

Product Code : SLE/EG/06

Students apply loads, which change the cable tension. 
This helps confi rm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results. 
The theory shows the simplified parabola-based equation and the more realistic theory, based on the model. 
They use textbook beam equations to predict the tension for any given load, comparing them to measured results. 
This product includes additional masses so students may apply a uniformly distributed load (UDL) and a single point load.
The load cell connects to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.
It also helps students understand the overwhelming influence of the deck mass against the relatively small loads such as vehicles passing over the bridge.

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Bending Moments In A Portal Frame

Product Code : SLE/EG/07
  • A precision indicator measures any horizontal deflection (sway) due to the load. 
  • They may also add loads to moment arms on the vertical members of the frame. 
  • These simulate the effect of internal and external cantilever floors of a structure. 
  • This product includes a Vernier caliper for accurate measurement of cross-section.
  • Students add vertical or horizontal or combinational loads to a portal frame held between two fixing blocks. 
  • The strain gauges connect to a strain gauge amplifier which connects to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.
  • Students use textbook analysis methods to predict the bending moments at key positions, along with the sway magnitude.
  • Strain gauges at key points around the portal measure the strains and in turn the bending moment due to the loads.
  • The positions of the strain gauges and resulting measured bending moments allow students to plot bending moment diagrams for the frame for different loading conditions, allowing comparison to calculated results.

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Suspended Beam Bridge

Product Code : SLE/EG/08
  • The bridge has two outer ‘anchor’ sections, each on two supports. 
  • Load cells in the supports and bridge structure measure the reactions to the loads.
  • They use textbook equations to predict the reactions, comparing them with measured results. 
  • The anchor sections each have a short cantilever that supports a short central suspended section. 
  • The four bridge supports include pointers that work with the scale on the platform for accurate positioning. 
  • This helps confirm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • This bridge design differs from some others in that is statically determinate, yet may have large central spans.
  • The load cells connect to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.
  • Students apply loads across to any position on the bridge and measure the resulting support reactions, and the internal reactions between the cantilever and suspended sections.

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Continuous and Indeterminate Beams

Product Code : SLE/EG/09
  • A precision indicator on a slide can be easily positioned to measure beam deflections. 
  • Two additional supports help complete the experiments.
  • The first experiments use two simple supports and a ‘rigid’ and heavy beam to examine statically determinate systems.
  • Students learn basic principles such as moments, the principle of superposition, uniformly distributed loads and the 
  • Students use a light and ‘flexible’ beam. 
  • All supports and the indicator slide have pointers that work with the scale and the platform for accurate position.
  • One allows measurement of the support fixing moment, the other ‘universal support’ works as simple support, a clamped support and a sinking knife edge support.
  • The second set of experiments relate to more advanced beam structures that are statically indeterminate, or involve a measureable beam deflection. 

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Plastic Bending Of Beams

Product Code : SLE/EG/10
  • Students fit the specimen beam between two supports with a choice of fixing methods; simply supported, fixed or propped cantilever. 
  • One support includes roller bearings to allow horizontal translation. 
  • A load cell assembly measures and applies force at the mid span of the beam. 
  • A precision indicator measures the beam deformation.
  • It explains how a structural element may fail, but still withstand loads to allow people to safely leave the structure or building. 
  • The different fixings allow students to predict the position of hinge formation and the loads that will cause failure.
  • Students use textbook beam equations and bending moment diagrams to predict the results, comparing them to measured results. 
  • This helps confi rm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • This allows them to appreciate the ratio between yield moment and the fully plastic moment (form or shape factor), showing how this ratio provides an additional safety factor. 

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Bending Moments In a Beam

Product Code : SLE/EG/11
  • Students apply loads to hangers suspended along the beam, held between two supports. 
  • One support allows rotational movement only, acting as a pinned support. 
  • The other support allows translational movement, acting as roller support. 
  • A load cell at the cut at mid-span of the beam measures the bending moment due to the load. 
  • Includes pointers that work with the scale on the platform for accurate positioning. 
  • This product includes a uniformly distributed load (UDL) that may be applied across the span of the beam for comparison of results with a single point load.
  • The beam has a central span with an overhanging end, so that students can create both positive and negative bending moments.
  • The load cell connects to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.
  • Students use textbook equations to predict the bending moments due to the load, comparing them with measured results, and learn how to create the infl uence line and bending moment diagrams.

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Euler Buckling of Struts

Product Code : SLE/EG/12
  • Students apply a buckling force to a strut, measuring the load and the point at which the strut collapses or ‘buckles’. 
  • Students use textbook equations, including Euler’s theory to predict the buckling loads, comparing them with measured results. 
  • This helps confirm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • This product includes specimen struts of different lengths for comparison of the buckling loads. 
  • A Vernier caliper (included) allows students to measure the cross-section of the struts.
  • The load cell connects to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.
  • It also includes different strut end fixings for comparisons of how they affect the buckling load and shape of the strut as it buckles.

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Two Pinned Arch

Product Code : SLE/EG/13
  • Students apply loads to hangers suspended from the arch, held between two supports. 
  • One support allows rotational movement only, acting as a pinned support. 
  • The other support allows translational movement, acting as a roller support. 
  • A load cell prevents the translation, while measuring the horizontal reaction due to the load.
  • Each support includes pointers that work with the scale on the platform for accurate positioning. 
  • Students use textbook equations to predict the reaction forces due to the load, comparing them with measured results, and learn how to create the influence line and bending moment diagrams. 
  • This helps confirm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • This product includes additional masses so students may apply a uniformly distributed load (UDL) across the span of the arch for comparison of results with a single point load.
  • The load cell connects to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.

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Unsymmetrical Bending and Shear Centre

Product Code : SLE/EG/14
  • For shear centre tests, a chuck clamps the ‘U’ section beam. 
  • A plate clamped to the free end allows various off set loads to twist the beam. 
  • For the symmetrical and non-symmetrical tests, a chuck clamps a beam while allowing rotation on its axis and allowing loads to be applied at various angles.
  • This product includes a Vernier caliper for accurate measurements of the beam cross-sections. 
  • Load applied at the free end produce resulting deflections, measured by a pair of precision indicators. 
  • These may be compared to those for the arbitrary section axes and the values calculated by textbook beam equations.
  • This helps to confirm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • Students plot their results on a Mohr’s circle which allows them to find the experimental Principal Second Moments of Area and position of the principal axes. 
  • The deflection indicators have their own displays, but they can connect to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.

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Torsion of Circular Sections

Product Code : SLE/EG/15
  • The other chuck connects to a load cell to measure the resulting torque. 
  • Students apply angular deflection to the specimen using a chuck which includes a precision potentiometer to measure the angular deflection. 
  • This helps confirm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • It also allows the student to vary the eff ective length of the rods to see how this aff ects the magnitude of deflection for a given torque.
  • Students use textbook beam equations to predict the deflection and torque relationship and compare the calculated results with the measured results. 
  • The potentiometer and load cell connect to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.
  • This product includes a set of rods of different metals and a tube for comparison of the elastic properties, dimensions and polar second moment of area (‘J’ value).

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Bending Stress In a Beam

Product Code : SLE/EG/16
  • Students apply the load and measure the resulting strains.
  • This product includes a Vernier caliper for accurate measurement of the beam cross-section.
  • They use textbook beam equations to predict the stresses and bending moments for any given load, comparing them to measured results.
  • This helps confirm the reliability of the textbook equations and the accuracy of the experiment results.
  • The strain gauges connect to a strain gauge amplifier, which connects (with the load cell) to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.

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Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers

Product Code : SLE/EG/17
  • Students apply loads to any position along the beam and measure the resulting deflection, also at any point along the beam. 
  • They may choose to fit the beams to one support only, forming a cantilever. 
  • Each support includes pointers that work with the scale on the platform for accurate positioning.
  • This product includes a set of beam ‘specimens’ of different metals and cross-section for comparison of the elastic properties and ‘I’ value. 
  • It also allows the student to vary the effective length of the beam to see how this affects the magnitude of deflection for any given load.
  • The deflection indicator has its own display, but it can connect to the USB interface hub of the Structures platform for computer display and data acquisition.
  • They use textbook beam equations to predict the deflection for any given load and compare the calculated results with the measured results.

Additional Load Cell

Product Code : SLE/EG/18
  • The Pin-Jointed Frameworks apparatus.
  • To allow multiple loads to be simultaneously applied and measured to the test framework.

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