Scilab Export is the best fluid mechanics equipment manufacturer and supplier in India. We also focus on providing fluid flow and related equipment of high standards to the education sector, research centers, and industry.

Fluid mechanics is a branch of science which studies the flow of liquids and gasses. Fluid mechanics equipment finds its utility in performing experiments, measurements, tests and analysis of fluids under various applications like pipe systems, hydraulics and airflows.

We have a complete range of fluid mechanics equipment and these include flow meters, pressure meters, manometers, Pitot tubes, venturi meters, orifice meters, flow visualization equipment and more. The quality of the equipment is of international standards geared for use in wide ranging fields from fundamental studies to industrial environments.

For all your Fluid Mechanics requirements, choose Scilab Export as your trusted partner. We ensure that the products to be provided to you are high quality, the customer service is top class and the prices are affordable.

As a leading Fluid Mechanics equipment manufacturer and supplier Quality enhancement is not just a catchphrase as we have undergone some restructuring to support selling excellent products to a broad marketplace. Our focus towards customers and their commitment has made them one of the preferred Fluid Mechanics equipment suppliers.

Vane Pump

Product Code : SLE/EFM/01
  • Dimensions: 300 mm x 300 mm x 300 mm (approx)
  • Weight: 9 kg 
  • For use with the Positive Displacement Pump Module this pump is ideal for student experiments, demonstrations and projects. 
  • The vane pump is a positive displacement pump. 
  • It has a fixed displacement balanced vane that delivers a given volume of fluid (oil) for each full rotation of the pump shaft. 
  • The pump rotation determines the flow direction, but you only test the pump in one direction, determined by the Universal Dynamometer. 
  • Self-sealing connections reduce oil spillage and simplify installing the pump to the pump module.

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Gear Pump

Product Code : SLE/EFM/02
  • For use with the Positive Displacement Pump Module this pump is ideal for student experiments, demonstrations and projects. 
  • The gear pump is a positive displacement pump. 
  • It has double gears that deliver a given volume of fluid (oil) for each full rotation of the pump shaft. 
  • The gear rotation generally determines the flow direction, only test the pump in one direction, determined by the Universal Dynamometer. 
  • Self-sealing connections reduce oil spillage and simplify installing the pump to the pump module.

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Axial Flow Pump Module

Product Code : SLE/EFM/03
  • Axial flow pump, mounted in a mobile frame with full instrumentation, including a digital pressure display.
  • Common motive-power source for a cost-eff ective solution.
  • Fully variable speed and fl ow, for range of tests.
  • Self-contained, has its own water reservoir and needs no external water supply.
  • Allows students to study and test a common type of rotodynamic pump, safely and at a realistic scale.
  • Part of Modular Fluid Power range which connects with the Universal Dynamometer 
  • Connection plate with schematic diagram shows the water flow circuit and how parts of the module connect to each other.

Francis Turbine

Product Code : SLE/EFM/04
  • The Francis Turbine is a reaction turbine. 
  • The turbine has adjustable guide vanes that control the water flow in the turbine. 
  • They also direct the water at an angle to the blades of the impeller. 
  • It is the most common turbine in the world, due to its ability to work for a wide range of applications. 
  • Its moving part is a radial impeller. 
  • Students learn how the guide vane setting affects how the turbine works. 
  • The turbine has a clear viewing window and draft tube so that students can see the turbine working.

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Pelton Wheel (Turbine)

Product Code : SLE/EFM/05
  • A clear viewing window on the side of the turbine allows students to see how the turbine works.
  • The Pelton Wheel is an impulse turbine with tangential flow. 
  • It is good for applications with high pressure and low flow.
  • The Pelton Wheel has a variable spear jet at its inlet.  
  • The buckets are in pairs to correctly balance the wheel and to work efficiently. 
  • This allows students to understand the effect of changing the velocity of the water that hits the buckets. 

Universal Dynamometer

Product Code : SLE/EFM/06
  • It has two parts: the electric dynamometer, and a motor drive and display unit. 
  • The dynamometer is an induction motor, trunnion-mounted to allow it to move freely against a strain gauge load cell.
  • The Universal Dynamometer directly drives the Fluid Power machines. 
  • This means that the user has no need to fit or adjust the tension of belts and pulleys. 
  • The motor drive and display unit contains a variable-speed a.c. inverter drive and includes signal conditioning. 
  • It digitally displays speed, torque and shaft power. 
  • An inductive sensor measures the shaft speed. 
  • The load cell measures the shaft torque. 
  • A precision-machined base plate holds the motor and its sensors. 
  • The base plate has location points to give accurate and repeatable alignment onto each Fluid Power module. 
  • The coupling between the Universal Dynamometer and all Fluid Power machines is a jaw-type coupling with a rubber element. 
  • The front of the motor drive and display unit has motor stop, start and speed controls. 
  • Outlets on the back of the unit give power for instruments supplied with the Fluid Power modules. 
  • This reduces the need for multiple mains connections and gives a neater and safer equipment arrangement. 

Reciprocating Compressor

Product Code : SLE/EFM/07
  • Reciprocating compressors are common machines that provide compressed air for machines and tools. 
  • These can be air tools, paint spray equipment, pneumatic actuators and control systems.
  • Air enters the compressor, which then delivers it under pressure to the receiver. 
  • A valve releases pressure from the receiver to atmosphere through an orifice.  
  • The separate Universal Dynamometer measures the speed, torque and power absorbed by the compressor. 
  • Speed is fully variable up to the maximum allowable for the compressor. 
  • The valve sets the pressure in the receiver and hence the flow rate; the orifice allows an accurate measurement of the mass flow rate of the outlet air.
  • The module includes a small compressor with an air receiver and instrumentation, all mounted on a robust, mobile trolley for ease of use.  
  • These values help students to discover how the compressor flow rate relates to the pressure delivered by the compressor. 

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Two Stage (Series And parallel)

Product Code : SLE/EFM/08
  • Centrifugal pumps working alone or in series or parallel. 
  • Two bearing-mounted motors drive each pump independently. 
  • The pumps draw water from the integral reservoir. 
  • The water travels through strainers and a series of valves to be delivered to a Venturi meter. 
  • The water then returns to the reservoir for re-use, keeping water use to a minimum. 
  • Instrument and control modules fit into a frame above and behind the pumps. 
  • The differential pressure across the Venturi gives flow rate. 
  • Each pump has its own inlet valve. 
  • A two-way valve in the system allows the pumps to work alone, in parallel or in series.
  • It also allows students to see cavitation and understand the use of a Venturi meter and differential pressure measurement to find flow rate.
  • Each pump has an electronic Motor Drive to control its speed, a load cell to measure torque and a sensor to measure pump speed. 

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Friction Loss In Pipe

Product Code : SLE/EFM/09
  • Static pressure tappings upstream and downstream of the test pipe connect to a water manometer or a hand-held digital pressure meter. 
  • The back panel holds the manometer with calibrated scales. 
  • The water manometer includes an air valve and hand-pump. 
  • The pressure meter measures higher pressures in the turbulent flow region. 
  • The hand-pump adjusts the datum of the water manometer. 
  • A precision needle valve downstream of the test pipe accurately controls flow rate.
  • The water manometer measures lower differential pressures in the laminar and lower turbulent flow regions. 
  • To perform experiments, students stand the apparatus on the hydraulic bench and fit the Header Tank. 
  • For low flow rate experiments, the Header Tank supplies the test pipe. 

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Bernoulli's Theorem

Product Code : SLE/EFM/10
  • A manometer panel holds the manometer tubes vertically. The base has adjustable feet. 
  • A common manifold above the tubes has an air pressure-control valve. 
  • The apparatus includes a horizontal Venturi tube, a downstream flow-control valve and manometer tubes. 
  • Water enters the Venturi meter and its flow-control valve sets the flow rate. 
  • This valve is downstream, so it does not cause any upstream turbulence. 
  • The manometer panel has a scale behind the manometer tubes for direct reading of the water levels in the tubes.
  • Plastic materials and corrosion-resistant finishes throughout the equipment protect against corrosion. 
  • To adjust the datum water level in the manometer tubes, students connect a hand-pump to the air valve above the manometer tubes. 

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Viscosity And Particle Drag

Product Code : SLE/EFM/11
  • The Viscosity and Particle Drag apparatus is a simple falling-sphere viscometer. 
  • The self-standing unit holds two glass tubes filled with the test fluids, for comparisons and to minismise draining and refilling of the fluids after experimentation. 
  • They drop the sphere into the test fluid at the top of the glass tube. 
  • They then use a stopwatch to measure the time taken for the sphere to fall a set distance down the tube.
  • The back plate has a low-voltage backlight so students can easily see the test spheres through the fluid. 
  • Students fill the two tubes with their chosen test fluid, then select a sphere of the correct density and size for the fluid. 
  • The valve system minimises the fluid loss from the tube and helps when draining the tube after the tests are complete. 
  • The shapes must fit through the valve at the base. 
  • Suitable test fluids include water, thin machine oil, castor oil and motor oil. 

Lift And Drag

Product Code : SLE/EFM/12
  • The balance assembly is an articulated parallelogram, linked to a load cell. 
  • The balance assembly is mounted on a carrier that runs along the rails of the Flume.
  • The parallelogram resists bending moments so that only the force on the model is transmitted to the load cell.
  • The display unit displays the force measured by the load cell. 
  • This unit is hung on the flume.


Cavitation In Venturi

Product Code : SLE/EFM/13
  • The Cavitation in a Venturi Unit offers a clear and easy-to-understand display of cavitation. 
  • Students create clearly visible cavitation in a Venturi and take measurements of flow and pressure. 
  • They gain practical experience of using the continuity equation and Bernoulli’s equation. 
  • A thermometer shows the temperature of the water in the tank.
  • Pressure gauges show the pressure upstream of the Venturi and the pressure at the Venturi throat.  
  • The pump includes electrical protection and the water tank includes a splash cover to prevent water spillage.
  • It consists of a robust frame which holds a water tank, an electric pump, a flow-control valve, a flow meter and a Venturi.
  • To calculate flow and pressure, different methods of creating cavitation and causes of error.  
  • The apparatus is a self-contained, mobile unit

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Trapezoidal Flume

Product Code : SLE/EFM/14
  • A clear culvert models, one of circular and one of rectangular section. 
  • Enabling the observation and calculation of both open and orifice flow in a culvert.
  • A clear acrylic 60° trapezoidal flume to enable the measurement of flows with the emphasis on low flow situations.

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Centrifugal Fan Module

Product Code : SLE/EFM/15
  • The module consists of a fan and instrumentation, all mounted on a robust, mobile trolley for ease of use. 
  • The Universal Dynamometer measures the speed, torque and power absorbed by the fan. 
  • Speed is fully variable up to the maximum allowable for the fan. 
  • Slide-valve controls the airflow rate. The fan impeller is interchangeable. 
  • Air enters the fan through a shaped nozzle, used to measure the airflow rate. 
  • Air then moves past a slide-valve and out to atmosphere. 
  • The fan housing has an interlock so the motor cannot run unless the user assembles the fan correctly. 
  • This allows the user to safely change fan impellers. 
  • Supplied with the fan are three different impellers for more tests on fan performance. 


Self Regulating Siphon

Product Code : SLE/EFM/16
  • A clear acrylic.
  • Self-regulating siphon that demonstrates the automatic adjustment of its discharge over a wide range while maintaining a mostly constant water level upstream. 
  • The siphon passes a mixture of air and water.

Energy Dissipation

Product Code : SLE/EFM/17
  • To be used with either the Spillway with Tappings. 
  • The apparatus consists of a long apron and a selection of toothed and solid blocks that can be arranged in any combination on the apron. 
  • For the study of the dissipation of energy.

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Water Hammer Apparatus

Product Code : SLE/EFM/18
  • The apparatus is made up of a coil of copper pipe 60 m long. 
  • A second adjustable valve is at the discharge from the pipe, downstream of the solenoid valve. 
  • The inlet connects to your water supply and the discharge end has a solenoid valve. 
  • A bypass valve discharges to waste at the inlet end of the pipe. 
  • This regulates the mean pressure in the pipe before the solenoid valve shuts.
  • It also allows students to calibrate the pressure transducer. 
  • An electronic pressure transducer near to the valve measures the pressure fluctuations in the pipe when the solenoid valve shuts. 
  • A Bourdon pressure gauge fitted between the solenoid valve and the downstream control valve shows the pressure in the system. 

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Pipe Flow And Nozzle Kit

Product Code : SLE/EFM/19
  • This kit includes two long lengths of smooth-walled pipe with multiple pressure tappings and a Pitot traverse. 
  • The pipes connect to the inlet, so it becomes a suction fan for tests on the pipes.
  • A Pitot traverse fits at the end of one long pipe to allow you to measure the velocity profile across a pipe and calculate the theoretical flow.  
  • The pipe tappings connect to a multiway pressure display. 
  • The multiple pressure tappings along the long pipes allow you to measure the pressure drop and therefore losses along them. 
  • A probe mounts in an assembly so that it moves axially through an additional nozzle to measure its axial pressure profile. 
  • This allows a comparison with the flow found from the nozzle and the orifice plate included with the kit.
  • The kit includes three different fittings: two elbows and a bend, that each fit between the long pipes to test the pressure drop and therefore loss caused by the fitting. 

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Product Code : SLE/EFM/20
  • A pair of clear culvert models. 
  • One of circular and one of rectangular section. 
  • Enabling the observation and calculation of both open and orifice flow in a culvert.

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Bridge Piers

Product Code : SLE/EFM/21
  • A pair of sediment walls and four differently profiled bridge piers. 
  • The apparatus is used to observe the increased flow velocity.
  • The streamline curvature between the piers. 
  • Also scouring of the stream bed.

Sluice Gate with Tappings

Product Code : SLE/EFM/22
  • A sluice gate with ten tappings across its face.
  • For use with an Flume, not included. 
  • Also how the pressure varies with flow rate and depth. 
  • Enables students to investigate changes in pressure across the face of a sluice gate.

Meter Flume

Product Code : SLE/EFM/23
  • A 300 mm wide 5 to 15 m long flume for student study and advanced research into a wide range of fluid flow topics. 
  • A huge range of ancillaries is available to extend learning potential.
  • The flumes have pressure measurement tappings at 0.25 metre intervals along the working section. 
  • These tappings can connect either to a multi-tube manometer or to a 32-way pressure display.
  • The flumes have a built-in re-circulating water supply connected to a digital flow metre for accurate measurements during experimentation.

Hydraulic Ram Pump

Product Code : SLE/EFM/24
  • The ram pump is not a normal mechanically-operated pump.
  • This changes the pump’s cycle times.
  • A supply pipe fitted with an inner and outer valve.
  • An air vessel to reduce hydraulic shock. 
  • The outer valve has a weight platform, for loading with the weights provided. 
  • A column of water in the supply pipe from a header tank, moving at low velocity, is similar to a ‘plunger’.
  • The energy in the plunger forces water from the supply into a delivery pipe. 
  • This exchanges the momentum of a large amount of water into energy that pumps a smaller amount of water up a hill or gradient.

The apparatus has three main parts: 

  • Header tank 
  • Pump and the interconnecting pipe work. 
  • The header tank mounts to a suitable wall.

Calibration of a Pressure Gauge

Product Code : SLE/EFM/25
  • Pressure gauge with visible working mechanism to demonstrate how this type of pressure gauge works and how to calibrate it.
  • The apparatus is a gauge connected to a dead weight tester. 
  • Gauge has a transparent dial that allows students to see the working mechanism. 
  • The mechanism is a thin walled tube with an oval cross-section, bent into an arc. 
  • One end of the tube is held rigidly.This end admits pressure. 
  • To calibrate the gauge, students add weights to a platform on a dead weight tester. 
  • The weights put a known force on to a piston. 
  • They then remove the weights and record gauge readings. 
  • The piston has a known area, so students can calculate the pressure.
  • A flexible tube containing water transfers the pressure on the piston to the tube. 
  • Students add the weights in increments, recording pressure readings from the gauge at each increment. 
  • The other end of the tube, connected to a dial and pointer mechanism, is free to move. 
  • When the pressure in the tube increases, it tries to straighten and so moves the pointer by an amount proportional to the pressure increase.  

Pressure Measurement Bench

Product Code : SLE/EFM/26
  • Manometers and Bourdon gauges are fundamental pressure-measuring devices. 
  • They are intrinsic parts of more complex measuring instruments, such as pneumatic comparators and flow indicators. 
  • It is important therefore that students fully understand their operation, characteristics and principles of calibration.
  • It also includes a separate Bourdon gauge with dead-weight calibration apparatus, enabling clear observation of the Bourdon tube mechanism.
  • Pressure Measurement Bench enables students to fully investigate and compare the operation and characteristics of inclined and U-tube manometers, and Bourdon-type vacuum and pressure gauges. 

The apparatus consists of two units:

  • A manometers and gauges unit.
  • A Bourdon pressure gauge calibration unit.

The manometers and gauges unit is a framed structure with a backboard, holding a:

  • vertical U-tube manometer.
  • U-tube manometer with an inclined limb.
  • Bourdon gauge for measuring vacuums.
  • Bourdon gauge for measuring positive pressure.
  • syringe assembly for pressurising and reducing pressure.

Vortex Appartus

Product Code : SLE/EFM/27
  • A low-voltage, variable-speed motor rotates the vessel about its vertical axis. 
  • A speed-control unit, sited away from the main apparatus, controls the speed of rotation. 
  • To produce a forced vortex, students add water to the rotating vessel until it is about half full. 
  • A forced vortex forms.  
  • The surface falls rapidly towards the centre and produces an air core. 
  • Students measure the surface profile using the traverse probe.
  • The traverse probe can move both horizontally and vertically, and both axes have linear scales. 
  • Students can also measure distribution of total head by replacing the traverse probe with a Pitot tube. 
  • After a few minutes the vortex becomes constant, and students can measure the surface profile using the traverse probe.

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Center of Pressure

Product Code : SLE/EFM/28
  • A pivoted clear plastic assembly which students use to find the centre of pressure of a totally or partially submerged plane surface. 
  • Compact, self-contained and excellent for classroom demonstrations.
  • A scale on the panel of the apparatus shows the head of water. 
  • Consists of a vertical panel that holds a clear plastic quadrant, to which students add water. 
  • The quadrant has engraved lines to help students keep the plane in a vertical or angled position. 
  • Cylindrical sides of the quadrant have their central axis coincidental with the moment measurement axis. 
  • The total fluid pressures on these curved surfaces therefore exert no moment about this pivot. 
  • Therefore, the moment is only due to the fluid pressure on the plane test surface. 
  • Students measure this moment using weights suspended from a level arm. 

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Variable Speed Series And Parallel Pumps

Product Code : SLE/EFM/29
  • Bench-top test set that allows students to investigate the operation and performance of a single centrifugal pump and two centrifugal pumps in both series and parallel.
  • The pumps draw water from the clear acrylic reservoir.
  • The apparatus comprises one variable speed centrifugal pump and one fixed speed centrifugal pump, together with two bearing-mounted motors driving each pump independently. 
  • The water travels through a series of valves to be delivered to a flow and temperature measurement device. 
  • Then returns to the reservoir for re-use, keeping water use to a minimum.
  • Adjustable inlet and delivery valves allow students to create different operating conditions.

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