Scilab Export is among the top Control Engineering Equipment manufacturers and suppliers  in India. Different types of equipment that can be used for teaching, research and working in the area of control systems, are available with us. The list includes, but is not limited to, PID controllers, programmable logic controllers, data acquisition and control systems, process control systems and other products.

The training modules in control engineering equipment assists in practical implementation and realization of control systems. It is used in knowing and applying different systems, monitoring processes and enhancing performance. Our equipment is modern in apparatus features and software making it useful in education and industry.

Control engineering equipment and systems that are actively utilized in engineering colleges, universities, and research organizations. The same documentation is employed by manufacturing industries in diverse areas such as process, automation, and energy. Such equipment assists in imparting training to engineers/technicians, conducting investigations, and generating innovations pertaining to control.

For all your Control engineering equipment requirements, choose Scilab Export as your trusted partner. We ensure that the products to be provided to you are high quality, the customer service is top class and the prices are affordable.

As a leading Control engineering equipment manufacturer and supplier Quality enhancement is not just a catchphrase as we have undergone some restructuring to support selling excellent products to a broad marketplace. Our focus towards customers and their commitment has made them one of the preferred Control engineering equipment suppliers.

Thermal Control Process Apparatus

Product Code : SLE/ETC/01

The Thermal Control Process Apparatus a common industrial process, including an air-conditioning plant, where a combination of adjustments can control temperature. These can be:

  • Varying the heat energy input to the system.
  • Varying the speed of a circulating fan.
  • Using a variable vane to restrict the flow.
  • Two temperature sensors measure the temperature of the block. 
  • One sensor is in direct thermal contact with the block. 
  • The apparatus has a variable-speed fan that forces air through a duct. 
  • In the duct is an electrically-heated process block. 
  • A balance of the heat gained from electrical heating and heat lost by convection and conduction gives a steady temperature at the block. 
  • The other sensor mounts on an insulating spacer to introduce thermal inertia and variable-time constants into the control loop. The apparatus has scaled down time constants for shorter laboratory time.
  • A servo-driven vane, mounted after the fan and the process block, creates a variable restriction downstream for more advanced experiments. 
  • The control problem is to keep the process temperature within acceptable limits while it works under various conditions. 
  • A combination of regulating the electrical energy to the heater, varying the air flow rate and rotating the vane gives the heat control. 

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Coupled Tanks Apparatus

Product Code : SLE/ETC/02
  • The Coupled Tanks Apparatus investigates basic and advanced control engineering principles. 
  • This includes the study of static and dynamic systems. 
  • It is also an ideal system to use with other control strategies such as fuzzy logic. 
  • Shows fluid transport and liquid level control problems in process control. 
  • A rotameter-type flow meter shows the flow rate. 
  • An electronic flow meter measures the flow rate.  
  • A scale on each tank allows students to check the level-sensor calibration. 
  • Variable-speed pump forces water into the left-hand tank. 
  • A valve connects this tank to a second tank, if needed, for two-tank experiments. 
  • Each tank has a level sensor that gives output signals proportional to the water level in each tank. 
  • The basic control problem is to regulate the liquid level in one of the tanks by varying the speed of the circulating pump. 

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Ball and Beam Apparatus

Product Code : SLE/ETC/03
  • The Ball and Beam Apparatus shows the control problems of unstable systems, for example a rocket or missile during launch, which needs active control to prevent the missile going unstable and toppling over. 
  • The apparatus has a steel ball which is free to roll on two parallel tensioned wires. 
  • The wires are on a beam that pivots at its centre. 
  • The system is a double integrator, so it is naturally unstable. 
  • It needs active feedback control using phase-advance methods.
  • A servo motor controls the beam angle and sensors measure the beam angle and ball position. 
  • The basic control problem is to vary the beam angle to control the ball position.

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Engine Speed Control Apparatus

Product Code : SLE/ETC/04
  • Engine Speed Control Apparatus shows the problems of regulating the speed of rotating machines, especially problems with non-linear control systems.  
  • The basic purpose is to adjust a motorised valve to regulate the engine speed under load. A d.c. generator connects to the engine output and loads the engine.
  • It is a scale-model engine, driven by compressed air (not supplied) for safety. 

Advanced experiments show:

  • Non-linearity compensation using dither signals.
  • Multiple loop and minor loop.
  • System modelling from step response information.
  • P+I control and root locus methods.

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Coupled Drives Apparatus

Product Code : SLE/ETC/05
  • Coupled Drives apparatus shows the problems of controlling speed and tension in coupled drives. 
  • A manual control allows the user to adjust the spring tension at the swinging arm. 
  • The apparatus has two electric motors, coupled by a continuous flexible belt. 
  • The belt also passes over a swinging arm with a ‘jockey wheel’ that measures the belt speed and tension. 
  • The basic control problem is to vary the torque in the motors to regulate the belt speed and tension. 
  • The user guide also shows techniques for speed and tension control, simultaneous control of velocity and tension, and analysis of multi-variable control systems.
  • Many applications use coupled drives, for example: magnetic tape drives, textile machines and paper mills. 

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Ball and Hoop Apparatus

Product Code : SLE/ETC/06
  • Ball and Hoop Apparatus shows the use of electromechanical servo systems for position and velocity control. 
  • The apparatus has a steel ball that rolls inside a hoop. 
  • The hoop is free to rotate, but controlled by a servomotor. 
  • Transducers give outputs of the hoop and ball positions. 
  • When the hoop is under angular position control, the ball moves like a cylindrical pendulum. 
  • This allows students to use it as a model for the study of liquid slop dynamics. 
  • It also works as a model to show liquid slop problems, for example: aircraft missile fuel storage, fuel tankers and industrial pumping systems. 

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Servo Trainer

Product Code : SLE/ETC/07
  • Servo Trainer shows d.c. servo position and speed control systems using typical industrial techniques. 
  • A manual control allows the user to set a position control setpoint. 
  • The d.c. generator statically or dynamically loads the servomotor. 
  • It has a d.c. servomotor, a d.c. generator and a flywheel mounted on a common shaft. 
  • Analogue 0 to ±10 V control signals vary the servomotor shaft speed in either direction. 
  • An optical sensor measures the speed and shows it on a panel-mounted digital meter. 
  • An electric clutch connects or disconnects the shaft to a 30:1 reduction gearbox for position control studies. 
  • To adjust the shaft inertia, comes with two extra interchangeable inertia discs (flywheels). 

For advanced experiments, the Servo Trainer includes extra ‘block’-type circuits that can add non-linear and fully adjustable effects of:

  • Deadzone or ‘deadband’
  • Anti-deadzone
  • Hysteresis
  • Saturation

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Product Code : SLE/ETC/08
  • This compact unit has analogue electronic circuits connected in blocks. 
  • These blocks mimic the important parts of industrial controllers. 
  • Clear diagrams on the front panel of the controller show the blocks, each of which has its own set of connection sockets. 
  • The user connects the blocks in any way that they need and then connects them to their chosen products in the range. The controller also includes an interface with D/A (digital to analogue) and A/D (analogue to digital) connections.

The blocks include:

  • Summing junctions.
  • Phase lead. 
  • Proportional and integral blocks.
  • A function generator and digital voltmeter.
  • A complete three-term PID (proportional, integral, derivative) block.
  • Fully adjustable potentiometers that can work as setpoints or attenuators.

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Digital Interface

Product Code : SLE/ETC/09
  • The Digital Interface is for use with most products in Control Engineering range, but it will also work with any other compatible laboratory equipment. 
  • It is an alternative to the Controller, when the user only needs the interface part.  
  • It converts analogue inputs from other equipment into digital signals for a computer. 
  • It will allow the user to monitor up to eight input signals and control up to four output signals. 
  • It also converts the digital signals from a computer into analogue signals to control other equipment. 

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